Olé To Madrid – Now An Official No-Kill City!

Mary Simpson
by Mary Simpson
Madrid passes a law protecting down and out dogs and cats – it’s now illegal to euthanize stray or abandoned animals.

In a ground breaking decision, Madrid has declared itself a no-kill city as their government has just passed into law, a bill that makes the euthanasia of stray or abandoned animals illegal.

Related: Logan’s Law Will Mandate Animal Abusers Registry, Tougher Penalties

Relentlessly pursued by local animal organization El Refugio, the government’s decision ensures that all dogs and cats in Madrid will now have the right to life regardless of whether they have pet parents. As a fully independent organization with no government or public sector funding El Refugio’s goal has been to eliminate the arbitrary euthanizing of healthy animals, the public denouncement of abusers and the pursuit of adoptive pet parents. El Refugio president Nacho Paunero confirms the group has been fighting to make the city a no-kill zone for the past 19 years and that their tireless fight would not end until this change in law was achieved.

Related: Animals Can Now Be Considered Victims In The Eyes Of The Law

What this means is that effective immediately, no animal picked up by animal control or living inside an over populated shelter in Madrid will be killed. And any individual in violation will be punished to the full extent of the law.

Now about those bull fights…

[Source: lifewithdogs.tv]

Mary Simpson
Mary Simpson

Sharing space with three seriously judgy Schnoodles and a feline who prefers to be left alone. #LivingMyBestLife

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