Weiner On Wheels: Two-Legged Dachshund Gets 3D Printed Wheelchair [Vid
Bubbles the Dachshund was born with a genetic deformity that left her without her two front legs. Her owners, Trevor Byers and Elissa Smoak, didn’t let that stop them from loving her. They hand raised her, bottle feeding her until she was strong enough for her own set of wheels – made from a 3D printer!
3D printing has the potential to save and improve many lives, both human and canine. It’s an wondrous technology that makes something out of nothing by simply programming a printer. 3D printing creates art, prosthetics and even shoes. And because of its abilities, Bubbles’ owners purchased a 3D printer for the sole purpose of giving their Weiner dog the chance at a better life.
Dog wheelchairs can be expensive, these pet parents got creative. Their wheelchair is composed of 3D printed pieces, carbon fiber, and even model airplane parts. The result is a fully mobile pup without a license to drive – and Bubbles isn’t letting that slow her down!
This isn’t the first pup who has had their quality of life improved due to 3D printing. There have been other dogs that have gotten carts or prosthetic legs – a few examples include a turtle with a cart and a goldfish with a new fin. Bubbles can now wheel with the rest of her pack happily, and her owners decided to share the design on MakerBot’s Thingiverse to give other dogs a new leg on life. According to their Facebook page, Bubbles family is now producing these carts for other dogs in a similar situation.
Watch Bubbles in action in the video below.
Rachel Leavy lives in Rochester, New York with her dog, Maria, and her gecko, Nigel. She has loved animals all her life, and has owned her own dog training and walking company for five years. When she's not playing with puppies, she can usually be found writing short stories, riding horses or out at a play.
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