Awesome Perks of The Dog Cafe Include Coffee and Adoptable Canines

Diana Faria
by Diana Faria
This Los Angeles cafe is unlike most other coffee joints you’ve visited. Sip your latte and pet a pooch… and if your coffee date goes well, you can adopt that dog!

Most pets that staff animal-friendly cafes are permanent fixtures, greeting guests and allowing patrons to woo over while they sip their drinks. It’s little wonder why there’s been a boom in the popularity of pet cafes. By combining the customers’ love for coffee and tea with their fascination for lovable animals, you’ll always get people through the doors. But what if a cafe could do more than just serve up fancy brews? How if it could also serve up forever homes?

A new cafe in Los Angeles, simply called The Dog Cafe, offers one benefit that no other dog cafe does: the ability to adopt the dogs that “work” in the cafe. Once the cafe officially celebrates its grand opening on April 7, customers can potentially adopt the sweet little lap dog that so desperately needs a forever home.

Related: Pups and Coffee Cups: Rescue Dogs While Enjoying Fair Trade Coffee

According to a recent interview, owner Sarah Wolfgang has already opened its doors a few months ago, but it was used as a test run to work out the kinks of the unique business before its grand opening.

Wolfgang has a long history with dogs. She has worked with dogs in Korea for over 15 years, where these pet cafes are very common. Unfortunately, most of the pooches that are in pet cafes are bought from puppy mills and the dogs must serve the rest of their life being a source of entertainment for patrons.

This muttivated barista moved to Los Angeles to learn more about the restaurant business and opened the The Dog Cafe in February for a trial run. The dogs that hang in the cafe are hand-picked from a South LA shelter and they are chosen because staff believe that they would benefit the most from human interaction.

Related: Four Paws Up! Detroit Opens Its First No-Kill Dog Shelter

Most of these dogs were neglected or abused before they were rescued, which means they tend to be shy and timid. By introducing them into the cafe, Wolfgang’s goal is reintroduce the idea of trusting humans to the dogs by surrounding them with customers who want to shower them with love.

The Dog Cafe is split into two sections: one where dog-safe coffees and teas are served; and the other, a lounge where customers must pay a fee and sign a waiver to enter. The cafe serves as a meeting ground for dogs who are ready to be adopted and potential customers who may also be interested in adopting one of these delightful pooches.

What an ingenious way to introduce people to all the benefits that shelter dogs offer! If you’re in the neighborhood, be sure to swing by for a cup of Joe and make a few new furry friends.

[Source: MSN]

Diana Faria
Diana Faria

More by Diana Faria
