How Much Water Should a Cat Drink?
Can Parrots Overheat? Keeping Your Pet Bird Cool in the Summer
New Study Sheds Light On The Harmful Effect of Plastics On Pets
Chubby Kitties Are Helping Study Obesity in People
Self-Harming in Pets - What Triggers It?
Depression, anxiety, and an inability to cope may cause unusual behaviors in your pet.
How Do I Get My Dog Used to Car Rides?
Scientists Developing AI Technology To Decipher Your Dog’s Barking
Why Do Dogs Lick Their Wounds?
Do they know something we don't? Should we be ditching the antibiotics?
How Do I Train My Dog to Wear a Harness?
Enjoying a leisurely walk or adventurous hike with your dog is an incredible way to spend quality time together and strengthen your bond. However, a dog that pulls and lacks leash manners can quickly turn this fun experience upside down.
Does My Cat Need a Litter Box When Travelling?
Traveling with your best furry friend by your side can be an exciting adventure. It’s a great opportunity to make lifelong memories while strengthening that special bond. However, some questions about their essential needs will naturally arise as you start planning…
What Should I Do if My Rabbit Stops Eating?
Rabbits are adorable creatures but can also be hard to care for. Why? They are delicate and sensitive creatures that are also masters of hiding when something’s wrong. Often, by the time rabbit lovers recognize there’s a problem, it has already progressed into something much more severe.
Why Do Dogs Burrow in Their Blankets?
Have you ever watched your dog bury themselves beneath a mountain of blankets, only to peek their head out with a look of pure joy and bliss? It’s a behavior that’s incredibly common. Yet it leaves so many dog parents confused – especially when your dog chooses to disappear into the blankets in the middle of the summer heat!
Unlock Your Pup’s Heritage: Embark Vet's Summer Sale is Here!
Hey fellow dog lovers! 🐾
What is the Best Catio for My Cat?
Do you have a cat that loves being outdoors, enjoying the fresh air, but you worry about their safety and well-being? Does your cat refuse to walk to wear a harness or walk on a leash? The answer might be a catio!
How Do I Keep My Reptile from Overheating?
Reptiles are cold-blooded creatures, soaking up the sun to regulate their body temperature. But this doesn’t mean that they love ALL heat. As the temperatures climb outside, your reptile’s enclosure can quickly become dangerously hot, leading to serious health issues.