How to Control Your Cat’s Shedding

Lisa Selvaggio
by Lisa Selvaggio
Holy hairballs Batman! Here’s how to get the upper hand on your cat’s shedding.

Even though it’s completely normal for cats to shed, excessive shedding could indicate a health problem or high levels of stress. And shedding that gets out of control can make keeping your house clean a nightmare. With the tips below, though, you can control your cat’s shedding to reduce the incidence of hairballs, make it easier to maintain a clean home, and improve the health of your kitty’s skin and coat.

Brush Your Cat Regularly

Brushing your cat daily or weekly will ensure his skin and coat are healthy because this simple action will remove excessive dander, as well as the dead undercoat, while adding shine to your pet’s fur. It is also a great way to remove tangles, get rid of matted fur, and prevent these problems from occurring again.

Related: Cat Grooming Basics You Need To Know

Bear in mind that sometimes you will brush your cat and find that just a little bit of fur is removed, while other times, there can be a lot. Shedding depends on a few different factors, including your pet’s age and diet, the season of the year, and even his stress levels. Because many health conditions can lead to excessive shedding, contact your veterinarian if you notice anything abnormal in terms of the amount of fur that is collected during your grooming sessions. Some of the health problems that can contribute to skin and coat issues include ringworm, allergies, fleas, bacterial infections, hyperthyroidism, and hormonal imbalances.

Bathe Your Cat Regularly

In addition to brushing your pet on a regular basis, it may help if you bathe him as well. This aids in removing excessive oils and loose hair. Disposable cat wipes specifically designed for cleaning your kitty are a good option for felines who hate being wet. There are also other waterless cleaners, such as sprays, that you massage into your pet’s fur before toweling off. Choose products that are made with natural ingredients that are safe and non-irritating.

Related: Interactive Cat Brush Lets You Lick Your Cat –Hairballs Not Included [Video]

Improve Your Cat’s Diet

If you are feeding your cat a low quality conventional diet, whether dry or wet, and he is shedding a lot, consider switching to a higher quality food. It should contain whole ingredients and premium animal proteins, along with the right balance of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, which play an integral role in the health of your pet’s skin and fur. If switching the diet does not do the trick, you can also provide a fatty acid supplement or additional vitamins and minerals, but discuss your options with your vet first.

Dealing with Your Cat’s Shedding

Remember, shedding is something that every cat owner has to deal with, but there are ways of keeping the fur off of your furniture. Giving your cat his own bed or tree to lie in and placing a blanket for him on your couch are just a couple of ways to keep your furniture free of cat hair. And there are a host of cleaning products specifically designed for picking up cat hair easily and quickly.

If you tried these tips and you are still finding it difficult to keep your cat’s shedding under control, talk to your vet to rule out any health conditions you may not be aware of. Also be sure to bring your kitty to the vet right away if you notice that he is obsessively licking, scratching, or biting at his skin or if he is missing patches of fur. Even though the shedding may be an inconvenience for you, it could indicate there is a potentially serious problem with your pet or that he is too stressed. Targeting the source of the issue with the right medical advice will bring relief to both you and your cat.

Lisa Selvaggio
Lisa Selvaggio

Lisa Selvaggio is a freelance writer and editor, and our resident cats-pert, with certifications in pet nutrition and pet first aid. She enjoys producing content that helps people understand animals better so they can give their pets a safe and happy home.

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