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Angela Vuckovic

A proud mama to seven dogs and ten cats, Angela spends her days writing for her fellow pet parents and pampering her furballs, all of whom are rescues. When she's not gushing over...
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Best Dog Food for Diabetic Dogs

If your pet has diabetes, they have to get medication (insulin) to keep their blood glucose in check, but it’s not all they need to keep this health issue under control. Physical activity and diet play a big role in diabetes management, and can greatly contribute to the success of medical treatment and help your dog thrive under your care. To help you find the right dog food for diabetic dogs, we’ve selected some of the formulas that are often recommended for stabilizing glucose – however, each dog is different, so before making any final decision, please consult with your veterinarian.

Best Limited Ingredient Dog Food

There is a lot that can be said about improper canine nutrition, bad digestion, and sensitive stomachs. Even though most dogs have a healthy appetite, they can also suffer from food sensitivities or allergies that upset their tummy and cause a range of symptoms, from itchy skin to diarrhea. Luckily, if you opt for a quality limited ingredient dog food formula, you can solve most, if not all, of their stomach and food allergy issues. Limited ingredient dog food is formulated to have fewer ingredients without compromising on the nutritional value – mostly, they just exclude harmful fillers and artificial ingredients, and focus on the good stuff, often opting for novel protein to minimize allergen potential. If you’re unsure which limited ingredient dog food is the best for your pet, we’re here to help. We’ve put together a list of the 10 best limited ingredient dog foods that are specifically designed to help dogs with food sensitivities, allergies, bad digestion, and other, similar health issues.

Best Affordable Dog Food

Great dog food needs to have all the important nutrients to meet your pet’s dietary needs. But that does not necessarily mean that it should be overpriced! You can be on a budget and still provide healthy, nutritious food for your pet without breaking the bank.There are a lot of aspects that make up quality dog food – from quality nutrients to rich flavor, and lack of artificial or harmful ingredients. However, the price is often steep for premium, top-notch dog food. But that doesn’t mean that some budget-friendlier dog foods don’t meet all or most of the criteria from above. These affordable dog foods don’t skimp on quality nutrition. In fact, they have all that your dog needs – and boast a wallet-friendly price tag to boot.

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Best Dog Food for Goldendoodles

A healthy, balanced diet is the foundation of canine health – your pet needs different nutrients in order to thrive. Goldendoodles, a unique and beloved designer breed, are no different when it comes to their need for a complete diet. However, it’s not always easy finding the perfect formula to keep your pet healthy and in their best form. To help you make sure your pet is getting everything they need from their meals, we’ve rounded up the 10 best dog foods for Goldendoodles – all you have to do is pick according to their unique preference.

Best Dog Food for Labs

Labs are amongst the most popular pet dog breeds in the world. This is thanks to their lovely traits and friendly nature – they are the true example of a man’s best friend. However, for your Labrador Retriever to reach their full potential, you’ll need to feed them a complete, balanced diet tailored to their needs. Their diet should be rich in protein, balanced with fiber, complex carbohydrates, and healthy fats, and enriched with vitamins and minerals. This ensures that they are energetic, healthy, and looking as good as ever. If you’re unsure where to start when planning your pet's diet, you’re in the right place. We’ve laid out all the important aspects of the diet for Labrador Retrievers and selected the 10 best dog foods for Labs – read on to find a perfect match!

Best Dog Food for Huskies

Huskies can be such wonderful pets. They are fun, protective, talkative, affectionate, and endlessly goofy. But they are also full of energy and strength that they will love to spend throughout the day. To make sure your husky is hale and healthy, however, you will need to replenish that energy with quality food. It’s no secret that a large breed such as the Siberian Husky will require quality food that is rich in protein and other essential nutrients to keep them fueled. Balanced nutrition ensures that they are healthy and strong, and have enough energy for their daily activities. These special dog foods are ideal for huskies and can be a great foundation for a quality diet for your pet. Read on – we’ve rounded up the 10 best dog foods for huskies to make your choice easier.

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