Pumpkin for Cats – How and When to Use It

Full of fiber, pumpkin can be a great dietary supplement for your pets. Here's what you need to know about pumpkin for cats.

Why Does Your Cat Like Sleeping on Your Head?

Now this is the best "night cap" there is! Have you ever wondered why your cat chooses to sleep on top of your head at night?

Samsung’s New TV Boxes Turn Into Cat Houses

Talk about resourceful packaging! Samsung Electronics’s award-winning efforts to move toward sustainable and reusable packing have delighted millions o…

How Strong is a Dog’s Nose?

The nose knows - especially if you're talking about a dog's sniffer. But just how strong is a dog's nose? Let's find out.

How to Clicker Train Your Cat

You've heard about clicker training for dogs, but did you know that it's used to train cats? Here are some tips if you're going to clicker train your cat.

Talking To Pets Makes You Crazy… Crazy Smart, That Is!

Does talking to our pets may make us a little quirky? No - in fact, not only is it a normal behavior, it also marks high intelligence in humans.

Best Automatic Aquarium Feeders

We've put together some tips for choosing and using an automatic aquarium feeder and our top 10 picks for the best automatic aquarium feeders.

Crafting With Cat Fur? Yeah, It’s a Thing.

Looking for a hobby that will intrigue and weird-out your non-feline friends? You need to learn how to craft with cat fur!

POPCats Brings Catitude to Miami This October

Cool cat art that celebrates pop culture and raises awareness for cat welfare--POPCats is debuting in October, and sure to attract all the coolest kittehs!

SnapChat Gets Catty With New Selfie Lenses

Even Social Media platforms know that more than ever, pets are people too. Social Media Story Teller Snapchat has recognized that with the introduction of ne…

NoBowl Feeding System Lets Your Cat Play With His Food

To cats, bowls are boring! Feed the need and lose the bowl. The new NoBowl Cat Feeding System allows your cat to do what he does best - hunt!

5 Holiday Hazards for Cats

Keep your feline festive and safe this holiday season. Before you deck the halls, be aware of these 5 holiday hazards for cats.

Trained Dogs Sniff for Human Waste Carrying Harmful Bacteria in Water

We bet you've never heard of this type of service dog before. Specially trained dogs can sniff out human waste that gets into our public water supply.

Pussy Princess Celebrates Birthday With Cat Quinceanera

Why weren't we invited? A fabulous cat had an extravagant quinceanera to celebrate her 15th birthday, and the festivities have gone viral!

How to Kitten Proof Your Home

Kittens get into everything - they're curious, playful and can't help themselves! Get down to their level and kitten proof your home!

5 Plants Picks for Your Brackish Aquarium

It's not saltwater, it's not freshwater - brackish aquariums offer a bit of both! But finding the right plants for this type of tank can prove to be tricky.

Reasons Why You Should Spay Or Neuter Your Cat

You’re doing more than helping to control the pet population You’ve probably heard people, especially animal rescuers and shelter workers, talk a…

Best Betta Tank Decorations

Do you want to complement your beautiful Betta fish? Why not fill your aquarium with the awe-inspiring Betta tank decorations?

Diatomaceous Earth for Cats: A Natural Flea Treatment

If you prefer to go au natural when it comes to flea treatments, you may want to consider using diatomaceous earth for cats.

Gen Y Dogma: Pet Parenting For A New Generation

Taking the leap by moving in with your partner is a huge step. But the time has come when you’re ready for the pitter-patter of little paws – it&…

Cat Owners Who Feed Their Pets Vegan Diet Could Face Fines or Jail Tim

While there might be good intentions behind a vegan dietary switch, imposing a meat-free diet on a cat is an act of animal cruelty, the UK charity warns.

4 Cat Foster Parents to Follow on Instagram

Are you addicted to Instagram? If you can't keep off the popular social media app, you should follow these cat foster parents.

Get Catty With Feline Eye Masks and Paw Socks

A Japanese company introduces us to a new way of being a crazy cat person. Check out these eye masks and paw socks that will bring out your inner cat.

How a Cat Exercise Wheel Can Fight Obesity

It's not like you can take your cat for a jog! If your kitty has a few pounds to work off, consider a cat exercise wheel.

6 Smart Tips for Finding a Lost Cat

Cats don't come with built-in GPS and will sometimes wander away from home. Use these tips for finding a lost cat to help ensure a happy ending.

Best Cannister Filters for Large Aquariums

To ensure your fish are happy and healthy, water quality needs to be optimal. The best way to do that is with a high-quality canister filter.

Best Affordable Supplies for a 20-Gallon Tank

Thinking about getting a home aquarium? You need more than a tank! Here's our list of best affordable supplies for a 20-gallon tank.

Why Do Cats Purr?

If you're happy and you know it, let out a purr! We love that sound - but did you know there's much more behind it - so why do cats purr?

How to Safely Clean Your Tank and Aquarium Decorations

If you're sprucing up your tank with aquarium d�cor, it's going to need to be cleaned. Here's how to do it without endangering your fishes' environment.

Celebrity Judge Lil Bub Wants You To Sock It To Her!

The most magical cat has joined an elite panel of celebrity judges for Sock It To Me's Design-A-Sock contest. Expect some fur to fly in the competition!

Decoding the Mysterious Habits of Cats

What's going through your cat's head when she does crazy kitty stuff? Let's take a closer look at the weird things your cat does and why she does it.

How to Use Floating Plants in Your Planted Tank

Floating plants help to create a tranquil vibe in your aquarium. If you're new to this kind of plant, here are a few pointers to keep in mind.

Kitty Camper Van Hits All the Bases When It Comes to Roughing It

This retro kitty camper has a 60s feel that makes it feel a little bit Barbie's camper but with more scratching, lounging, and cool hideaway.

Cat Gagging: Why Does It Happen

What causes cat gagging? Is there anything you can do to prevent or help it? Let’s talk all about cat gagging and shy it happens. Gagging is something…

Purr-fect Guide to the Sounds Your Cat Makes

Purr, meow, hiss, yowl - you can understand what your kitty is trying to tell you. Here's our guide to interpreting the sounds your cat makes.

Get To Know The Pittie With “The Truth About Pit Bulls” Infographi

Are Pitbulls dangerous? Do they really have locking jaws? Is it true that they don't feel any pain? Get the real facts from this enlightening infographic.

Best Cat Sofas

When it comes to giving your cat her own spot to sleep in, you have a few options, from regular plush beds and heated beds to hammocks, covered beds, and little hideaways with cushions inside them. But did you know that you could even buy little sofas that are made for cats? And you can find a wide range of sizes and styles, including those that work well in the great outdoors if your cat likes to spend time with you in the backyard?

Study Says Watching Cat Videos Boosts Energy, Positive Emotions [Video

I wish I worked at the Indiana University Study, so I could get paid to watch awesome cat videos and be happy all day. Science is pretty cool!

What Is Stomatitis in Cats?

Your cat may not be happy because she has stomatitis - a type of dental disease. But what is stomatitis and how does it stop your cat from smiling?

Stay Tuned For Aquarium’s Got Talent

What amazing talent lurks in your tank? Take a front row seat - you won't believe the specular show that's going on in your aquarium!

Best Reef Aquarium Supplements

There are unique challenges to keeping a reef aquarium. To properly maintain this type of tank, you need the right reef aquarium supplements.�

5 Fascinating Facts About Cat Whiskers

What do cats use whiskers for? If you’ve ever wondered about that, we’ve got five facts about feline whiskers. Cat whiskers: you might think that…

6 Super Serious Reasons Why Black Cats Are Awesome

It's Black Cat Appreciation Day! They should be celebrated all year long - here's our list of 6 super serious reasons why black cats are awesome.

Top 10 Largest Domestic Cat Breeds

Bigger is better... when it comes to cats, that is. If you want a big kitty, check out our list of top 10 largest domestic cat breeds.

Setting a Schedule for Routine Tank Maintenance

Aquariums need to be maintained regularly - it's essential to keeping your fish healthy and your tank looking its best.

Researchers Discover Virus Related To Hepatitis B In Cats

Researchers have found hepadnavirus in cats, and say that the virus, which belongs in the hepatitis B family, can help learn more about hepatitis in humans.

Police Kittehs Rule The Roost In New Zealand Police Departments [Video

It's not unusual to see working dogs around a police station, but in some New Zealand police departments, the cat's been let out of the bag!

Aquarium LED Review: Finnex Planted+ 24/7

For perfect lighting, no matter what time of day, the Finnex Planted+ 24/7 LED fixture offers a hands-free simulated sunrise and sunset effect.

Researchers Developed A Cat Brush That Looks and Works Like a Feline T

After analyzing the unique structure of the feline tongue, scientists used it as an inspiration to create a revolutionary hair brush for cats.